Monday, January 28, 2008

Extending DataGrid and more conveniant way to style a row

The listItems tends to be the most useful way for styling things. and instead of iterating through all items for each row, I instantiate MessagesDataGridRow in getRowAt():

package com.sandman.view
import mx.controls.DataGrid;

public class MessagesDataGrid extends DataGrid
public function MessagesDataGrid() {

public function getRowAt(rowIndex:int):MessagesDataGridRow {

var row:* = super.listItems[rowIndex];
return new MessagesDataGridRow(row);



package com.sandman.view
public class MessagesDataGridRow
private var row:*;
public function MessagesDataGridRow(itemRow:*) {
row = itemRow;

public function setStyle(attribute:String, value:String):void {
var length:int = row.length;
var i:int;
for (i=0; i<length; i++) {
row[i].setStyle(attribute, value);


Example usage:

var row:MessagesDataGridRow = yourGrid.getRowAt(3);
row.setStyle('fontWeight', 'bold');
row.setStyle('fontStyle', 'italic');

You'll likely want to modify this to suit your needs.

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